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🐾 HEALTH + SAFETY our items are designed for warmth and fashion use only, please do NOT leave your dog unsupervised.


🐾 FABRICS please hand wash only - trims are wipe clean only to protect any damage from occurring whilst washing.


🐾 Nug's Notes our items are hand wash only (a bit like us pups!). Treat it with TLC! My hoo-mum makes every single order by hand. I help too, by giving her lots of paws & kisses while she works.


Every piece is well made with high quality materials, but the durability will depend on your pups activity levels when worn. Pretty please with wags on top, don't leave any items on your dog unattended. (Especially if your dog likes to chew inedible objects!). Keep away from naked flames.

Our Patches

Our patches are durable however this depend on the wear and activity level both pawrent & human. Our badge adhesive is designed to last up to 25 washes. However this varies from each fabric and wear. We recommend avoiding heated washed for all our items, including our badged items. This will ensure that the adhesive is no reheated which will make it last longer for you & your pup. 

If you badge does become loose. Please check out Care & Cosy Club highlight on Instagram for the most up to date instructions. We do NOT recommend putting direct heat on any of our products please allow a barrier fabric between a low heat iron and your product if it states it is iron friendly in your product listing. This fabric barrier could be a plain pillow case or plain tea towel/rag.

Please if you have any questions regarding care instructions message us beforehand and we will help advise what is the best option for your item.

We pride ourselves in providing high quality, slow fashion for pawrents & their pups. Our items are to keep you cosy whilst keeping stylish! We want your pups to enjoy themselves in our items handmade and customised in England. 

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